Shilo Sanders Left Off NFL Combine Invite List, Future Uncertain
Colorado safety Shilo Sanders was not among the 329 players invited...
Listen, we all know what Urban Meyer was up to. Every male that’s ever been to a bar knows exactly what Urban was trying to do. We don’t need to rehash that here.
What we do need to talk about is the Jags and how they have lost now 18 straight games. Things aren’t looking any better and the players are even saying that he is scared of facing them.
Urban, just go to USC man.
Here is what Mike Silver reported on Urban Meyer not facing his team after the bar video:
The Urban Meyer situation in Jacksonville has reached a crisis point, especially in the locker room. One player told me, ‘He has zero credibility in that stadium. He had very little to begin with.’
Players were particularly put off by the fact that Meyer canceled Monday’s team meeting, as he dealt with the uproar over the videos of him and a young woman getting cozy in that Ohio bar. ‘He even canceled the team meeting. He was too scared,’ a player said.
Instead Meyer ‘only apologized to position groups individually.’ He portrayed the woman in the videos as a random person who was ‘just there dancing.’ Suffice it to say, his audience was highly skeptical.
Said one player: ‘We looked at him like, WTF? Right when he left everyone started dying laughing. And he knew it.’
Bottom line, said the player: ‘It’s bad. I don’t know how he’s gonna function.’