Santana Moss Comments on Robert Griffin III, Questions Leadership

Updated: November 19, 2013

The Redskins are coming off a bad loss at Philadelphia. Robert Griffin III was widely criticized for a play which resulted in a bad interception and allowed Philly to get the win. After the game some words were exchanged and today receiver Santana Moss allegedly responded on ‘LaVar and Dukes.’

We dont have the full transcript yet but here is a summary of what Santana said:

Chad: so your QB basically said “the receivers can’t get open so I had to throw it away” and “they knew what we were gonna do, so we really weren’t effective in the passing game until the end”

Santana: Well………. when you have the ball in your hands all game and especially at the end of the game maybe your press conference should go “I need to make the play or I need to get it done” I need to hear more “I’s” and “Me’s” from him when we play bad, not when we play well. Somebody needs to sit him down and tell him when you disperse the blame as the QB, everybody else on the team has to answer for you. When you are a leader you don’t need to remind everyone.

Big deal or something out of nothing?